• Accommodation at Nyani
    Accommodation at Nyani

Self-Catering Chalets, Overnight Rooms and Luxury Camping

Our lodge offers 4 self-catering units which are in two detached buildings. Each building consists of 2 self-catering units separated by an interior door. Each unit can sleep up to 2 adults and 3 children.

We also offer 5 rooms for overnight accommodation, Oryx, Springbok, Wildebeest, Vlakvark and Hippo. These units are accommodation only and there are no self-catering facilities available. Each unit can sleep up to 2 adults.

Our Luxury Campsite offers 6 exclusive units with their own private kitchenette area, basin, electricity, built in braai and private ensuite bathroom with a shower.


We offer breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Request a MENU to place your order.

Pre-order is essential.


We do experience occasional load shedding (power outage)
We are unfortunately not wheelchair friendly
No pets allowed


Electrical Fence and extra security

Self-Catering Double Chalets

Sleeps: 2 Adults and 3 Children Number of Units: 2 Size: 60

Self-Catering Twin Chalets

Sleeps: 2 Adults and 3 Children Number of Units: 2

Standard Rooms

Sleeps: 2 Adults Number of Units: 3

Luxury Camping

Sleeps: 1 - 6 Number of Units: 6 Size: 40